NeoGraft Hair Restoration

Are thinning hair and bald patches affecting your confidence? Step into the future of hair restoration with the revolutionary NeoGraft method. At Remedy Med Spa, we bring Grand Rapids the latest in hair regrowth solutions, ensuring natural results with minimal downtime.

What is NeoGraft.

NeoGraft is a groundbreaking hair transplant technique, renowned for its non-invasive nature and impressive results. Unlike traditional methods, NeoGraft doesn’t leave scars, ensuring your journey back to a full head of hair is as seamless as possible. The NeoGraft procedure involves extracting hair follicles from the donor area (typically the back of the head) and transplanting them to the thinning or balding regions. This Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique preserves the integrity of the follicle, ensuring a higher success rate and more natural-looking results.

Benefits of NeoGraft.

Natural Results

The precision of the method ensures a natural-looking hairline.

Advanced Technology

Automated technology, least invasive procedure for hair transplantation.

No Scarring

Unlike strip methods, NeoGraft leaves no visible scars.


Procedure is unnoticeable making it your secret to tell

FDA Approved

The NeoGraft Procedure is an FDA-approved product.

Quick Recovery

Most patients can return to their routine within a few days.

Safe & Effective

Trusted globally, NeoGraft boasts a high success rate.

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NeoGraft Uses The FUE Method

At Remedy Med Spa in Grand Rapids, our FUE hair transplant stands out as a highly safe and minimally invasive solution, setting it apart from traditional methods. Unlike the "strip" method, which often results in more bleeding and complications, our advanced FUE procedure ensures optimal safety and superior results. Administered under local anesthetic, there's no need for intravenous or intra-muscular sedation, enhancing the comfort and security of the process. Clients prefer our approach not only for its minimal discomfort but also for the absence of scalpel incisions, sutures, and linear scars. Furthermore, our FUE hair transplant ensures expedited recovery times, making it a top choice for those seeking efficient and effective hair restoration in Grand Rapids.


Hair Restoration at


Embarking on a journey to restore your hair and confidence is a significant decision. At Remedy Med Spa in Grand Rapids, we prioritize not only the aesthetics but the overall well-being and satisfaction of our clients.

  • FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. It is an advanced, minimally invasive hair transplant method that allows for the harvesting of individual follicles from the back of the head (donor area) without a scalpel or stitches, and therefore leaves no linear scar.

  • For the procedure, the donor area will need to be shaved down with a zero guard in the harvesting area. As such, your treatment provider may advise you to cut your hair in preparation for shaving of the donor site at the start of your procedure.

  • Depending on the number of grafts, the treatment can take anywhere from 4-10 hours. The number of treatments will depend on your unique circumstance, but in many cases, just one procedure can be enough to attain desirable results. Your physician will numb the area with a local anesthesia before beginning the procedure, so you will likely feel minimal discomfort while the hair transplant is being done. Some physicians also offer the option of mild sedation for the duration of the procedure, depending on your preference.

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